Hey Guys!
From the title, some of you... probably most of you can already guess what this post is going to be about.
Yes, it is going to be about food.
Just kidding!!! Of course it's going to be about the movie "Les Miserable," starring Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Anne Hathaway and of course, the gorgeous Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne. Oh yeah and Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena B Carter as well.
I had no idea Cohen is starring the movie and I was like "is that... Borat...?" in the theatre. yeah ok, whatever.
I am here NOT to write critique for the movie.
I am actually here to talk about how I learned something new.
About how to prepare myself before watching a movie.
Embarrassingly, I didn't know the synopses of Les Miserable before.
Never read the book or never watched other versions of the novel's movie.
SO, basically I was asking around if anyone has seen this "Les Miserable" and if they have, I also asked them, "how was it?" or "what did you think?" or "did you eat popcorn?" or just you know, mediocre questions.
I was told by several people that they balwed their eyes out in the movie.
OR some told me that they were depressed or thought about life and stuff like that.
After hearing all these comments and such, I decided I should DEFINITELY bring something to wipe my tears and snot during the movie.
I thought, handkerchief? Oh no. It wouldn't cut it if I need to blow my nose. Snot all over your face if you need to wipe your tears after blowing your nose?
So I bought myself 4 new packs of pocket tissue papers. You know what those are right?
Not particularly these but I bought the ones that were soft and had moisturizers in them and all these fancy stuff to treat my nose nicely.
I watched the movie last Friday.
What happened to the tissue papers?
I did NOT shed a single tear before, during or after the movie.
I was in shock. with myself. I was thinking, "am I so cold-hearted that I couldn't cry in a movie that others bawled???"
But then, after the discussion with those I watched the movie with, we concluded that we were over-hyped or over-prepared to shed thousand tears.
You know, it's kinda like... uh... when you are SO hungry and dying to eat tacos and thinking you can gobble down 500 tacos but when you actually sit down for tacos, you only manage to eat 2 tacos.
Do you get it? I was just over-prepared.
I thought I would look puffy-eyed, red nosed, and still hiccuping coming out from the theatre. ... I guess at least I didn't look gross and miserable that way... but I was SO ready to cry.
The movie itself was good! and I liked the music and stuff.
BUT next time I know that I can't be over-hyped or over-prepared or set the expectation to cry or laugh or be scared or be hungry too high. I can save tissue money that way. Lesson learned.
HENCE, I shouldn't be asking around people about the movie that they have watched, which I have not watched but want to watch.
... Does that make sense...?
Well, I don't watch much of movies anyway. Pff, whatever.
Anyways, if anyone has not it yet, I recommend it.
Trust me, you won't cry. or maybe.... maybe not...
From the title, some of you... probably most of you can already guess what this post is going to be about.
Yes, it is going to be about food.
Just kidding!!! Of course it's going to be about the movie "Les Miserable," starring Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Anne Hathaway and of course, the gorgeous Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne. Oh yeah and Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena B Carter as well.

I had no idea Cohen is starring the movie and I was like "is that... Borat...?" in the theatre. yeah ok, whatever.
I am here NOT to write critique for the movie.
I am actually here to talk about how I learned something new.
About how to prepare myself before watching a movie.
Embarrassingly, I didn't know the synopses of Les Miserable before.
Never read the book or never watched other versions of the novel's movie.
SO, basically I was asking around if anyone has seen this "Les Miserable" and if they have, I also asked them, "how was it?" or "what did you think?" or "did you eat popcorn?" or just you know, mediocre questions.
I was told by several people that they balwed their eyes out in the movie.
OR some told me that they were depressed or thought about life and stuff like that.
After hearing all these comments and such, I decided I should DEFINITELY bring something to wipe my tears and snot during the movie.
I thought, handkerchief? Oh no. It wouldn't cut it if I need to blow my nose. Snot all over your face if you need to wipe your tears after blowing your nose?
So I bought myself 4 new packs of pocket tissue papers. You know what those are right?
Not particularly these but I bought the ones that were soft and had moisturizers in them and all these fancy stuff to treat my nose nicely.
I watched the movie last Friday.
What happened to the tissue papers?
I did NOT shed a single tear before, during or after the movie.
I was in shock. with myself. I was thinking, "am I so cold-hearted that I couldn't cry in a movie that others bawled???"
But then, after the discussion with those I watched the movie with, we concluded that we were over-hyped or over-prepared to shed thousand tears.
You know, it's kinda like... uh... when you are SO hungry and dying to eat tacos and thinking you can gobble down 500 tacos but when you actually sit down for tacos, you only manage to eat 2 tacos.
Do you get it? I was just over-prepared.
I thought I would look puffy-eyed, red nosed, and still hiccuping coming out from the theatre. ... I guess at least I didn't look gross and miserable that way... but I was SO ready to cry.
The movie itself was good! and I liked the music and stuff.
BUT next time I know that I can't be over-hyped or over-prepared or set the expectation to cry or laugh or be scared or be hungry too high. I can save tissue money that way. Lesson learned.
HENCE, I shouldn't be asking around people about the movie that they have watched, which I have not watched but want to watch.
... Does that make sense...?
Well, I don't watch much of movies anyway. Pff, whatever.
Anyways, if anyone has not it yet, I recommend it.
Trust me, you won't cry. or maybe.... maybe not...