Thursday, January 17, 2013

Les Not-That Miserable Me

Hey Guys!

From the title, some of you... probably most of you can already guess what this post is going to be about.

Yes, it is going to be about food.

Just kidding!!! Of course it's going to be about the movie "Les Miserable," starring Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Anne Hathaway and of course, the gorgeous Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne. Oh yeah and Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena B Carter as well.

I had no idea Cohen is starring the movie and I was like "is that... Borat...?" in the theatre. yeah ok, whatever.

I am here NOT to write critique for the movie.

I am actually here to talk about how I learned something new.
About how to prepare myself before watching a movie.

Embarrassingly, I didn't know the synopses of Les Miserable before.
Never read the book or never watched other versions of the novel's movie.

SO, basically I was asking around if anyone has seen this "Les Miserable" and if they have, I also asked them, "how was it?" or "what did you think?" or "did you eat popcorn?" or just you know, mediocre questions.

I was told by several people that they balwed their eyes out in the movie.
OR some told me that they were depressed or thought about life and stuff like that.

After hearing all these comments and such, I decided I should DEFINITELY bring something to wipe my tears and snot during the movie.

I thought, handkerchief?  Oh no. It wouldn't cut it if I need to blow my nose. Snot all over your face if you need to wipe your tears after blowing your nose?

So I bought myself 4 new packs of pocket tissue papers. You know what those are right?
Not particularly these but I bought the ones that were soft and had moisturizers in them and all these fancy stuff to treat my nose nicely.

I watched the movie last Friday.

What happened to the tissue papers?


I did NOT shed a single tear before, during or after the movie.

I was in shock. with myself. I was thinking, "am I so cold-hearted that I couldn't cry in a movie that others bawled???"

But then, after the discussion with those I watched the movie with, we concluded that we were over-hyped or over-prepared to shed thousand tears.
You know, it's kinda like... uh... when you are SO hungry and dying to eat tacos and thinking you can gobble down 500 tacos but when you actually sit down for tacos, you only manage to eat 2 tacos.

Do you get it? I was just over-prepared.
I thought I would look puffy-eyed, red nosed, and still hiccuping coming out from the theatre. ... I guess at least I didn't look gross and miserable that way... but I was SO ready to cry.

The movie itself was good! and I liked the music and stuff.

BUT next time I know that I can't be over-hyped or over-prepared or set the expectation to cry or laugh or be scared or be hungry too high. I can save tissue money that way. Lesson learned.

HENCE, I shouldn't be asking around people about the movie that they have watched, which I have not watched but want to watch.

... Does that make sense...?

Well, I don't watch much of movies anyway. Pff, whatever.

Anyways, if anyone has not it yet, I recommend it.
Trust me, you won't cry. or maybe.... maybe not...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Go away mucus.

Hey there.

I'm sick. I was SO sick yesterday that I could barely function to eat dinner, which was quite rare for me.

When I get sick, I usually get sore throat or headache but I usually function fine.

But this time, I have to blow my nose even at the platform of train station and spit out gross mucus every 20 seconds or so. On top of that, my head feels like I'm carrying a 3 tons of cow or something.

Anyway, so much about my symptoms.
When I had to spit out mucus every 20 seconds ( now it's more like every 1 minute. I'm getting much better!!), I was thinking how wasteful it is to use tissue for every shit that I spit out.

And then I remembered. Apparently there was a thing called "Mucus Jar" in Japan. In Japanese it's called "Tan-Tsubo" (たん壷). I was not sure if it was something mythical or real. I've only vaguely heard of it.

So what do I do? I googled.
And yes, there was.

As gross and disgusting as it sounds, in 1951, there was a law referring to this "Mucus Jar." In short, there were mucus jars in train stations, or even IN trains for people to spit out this bacteria-filled crap.

WHY???? Mainly to prevent the spread of tuberculosis, by having people spit out the contagious stuff into A JAR. Well...I guess it seemed like it was a pretty good idea...
But think about it. If there were such jars, obviously someone had to clean right???? Ew.

Instead, I present alternative solution.

How about personal mucus jars that are filled with chemicals that turns mucus into sand which is harmless. We can even use the sand as nutrient for plants.
Can someone invent stuff like that?

Instead of using tons of tissues, ultimately killing trees OR using mucus jars that may expose the jar cleaners to the evil tuberculosis bacterias, we can turn our gross shit to something that actually is nice. Pretty hybrid, no?

These jars, however, are not in stations or trains anymore, since tuberculosis is quite preventable in other ways now. THANK GOD.

Sorry if anyone read this before eating. I just had to share, cause the idea of mucus jars was too gross not to share.

I'm not sick anymore, by the way. Thanks for caring.
What, you forgot about the fact that I was sick cause the topic of this post was too gross. OH WELL! Sorry!

Monday, January 7, 2013

ALERT ALERT! Watch your blood sugar level!

Hey Guys!!!


Since I have been SO absent from this little blogging of mine, I won't even bother trying to come up with excuses for WHY I haven't posted anything in 1 year.

But thanks to those who told me to "start blogging again!" for such a random and kind of pointless blabbing outlet of mine.

Anyways, let's go straight to today's topic eh?

Something pretty interesting happened to me today at first day of work, after the world turned to the year 2013, safe and sound, despite all the hysteria about "OMG THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 2012 Decemberrrrr!!!"

Remember how I wrote in one of my first posts that Japanese people go to shrine in New Year to wish for a good year to come?
So my team at work decided to go to nearby shrine right before lunch today.
It was around noon time.
And the shrine is called Atago Shrine, which is famous for having a long ass stairs like this:

It may NOT look like much, but each step is like 30cm high alright. 
Legend has it that a man who climbed up these stairs by horse had gotten fast track to promotion. (Mind you that the legend is set in ancient times of Samurai and such) 
SO, What Do I Fucking DO? 
Climb up the stairs as fast as I can before ANYONE ELSE for the fastest promotion. Greedy greedy. tsk tsk. 

After furiously running up those magnificent things, I stood on top, looking down on my fellow teammates. I was taking pictures of those who were struggling to climb up and was making fun of them and what-not, when I started feeling strange....

I started seeing stars in my eyes, I was nauseous, I was dizzy, I had urge of vomiting, I was shaking like an alcoholic, I felt disoriented.... so on and so forth.  

All of the above? Symptom of goddamn glucose crash after intense exercise. 

Shame on you YURI SHAME ON YOU!!!!! All these eating and sleeping and being lazy had finally hit me physically, after blindly lured by this legend of fast promotion. More embarrassing thing was that Everyone else seemed totally and completely FINE. What. I mean what's wrong with these people. 

So, Moral of today's story
Do NOT climb up 100 stairs too fast when:
1. You are Hungry
2. You haven't exercised in a long time
3. You are doing this because you are purely greedy and doing it just to show off and want to laugh at those who are climbing slower than you. 

Because you are just going to feel sick and look stupid. Those people who went with their pace were.... uh .... smart. 

I felt fine after lunch though. Oh maybe next time I should eat a banana or something before climbing up. 

So here's another moral of today's story:
Promotion does not come easy, and you should stock up before you furiously try to climb to the top... 

What a great analogy. Yes. 
But please watch out for your sugar level. I swear it is NOT a good feeling to have your blood losing all this precious sugar. 

See you soon in next post!!