Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby it's cold outside.... But we've got nothing to eat inside.


Yesterday's lowest temperature was 6 degrees (Fahrenheit) and -14 degrees (Celsius)!!!!
Holy crap. What a great day to start my semester.
I didn't think I would be able to make it to the subway after class, which was only 5 minutes walk.

Well, I made it. And somehow made it home too.
I closed the door of my apartment and that's it.
There was no way I was going to go outside again.
No, I resist.

And then the problem arose. I was starving...!
I had to make an ultimate decision: either freeze to death or starve to death.

Say what? Call the delivery?
You know, I am not trying to be an activist here but look at those delivery guys.
On the bike with baseball cap and very thin polyester jacket... oh tears...
It's -14 degrees and they are biking out the city!!! Have some mercy here.

Well, I'm tight on my budget too.
Actually that was the main reason for not getting the delivery.
I totally would have called the delivery if budget wasn't the issue, what the heck.

BUUUUTTTT!! For my 3rd year in NYC, I have resolved this issue.
I knew this day was going to come.
Cold day, no money and no food.

and I happened to make this amazing "backup" the day before.
Remember people: Prevention is better than cure...


 From left: Meat sauce, dumplings, base for soup (veggies cooked in stock)
Some samosa wanna be things that I made from beef and filo dough.

AAAAND freeze them in your freezer.

Thanks to those lovely dumplings I made, I prevented myself from starvation, though one third of them are consumed in one night.
But hey, it was an emergency night!

Another way would be stocking up loads of pasta and some instant sauce.
But I just wished that there were tastier instant products...like in Japan... Japan's frozen/packaged food is so tasty that sometimes I would rather eat that than wasting my bills in a crappy restaurants.

So everyone, you should hurry up and stock up your emergency food in your freezer. When nights are cold and so is your checking account, your freezer becomes your best friend!!! How ironic is that?

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