Sunday, February 20, 2011

If you want to go natural...

HI! This is my first post in... 10 days!! AH!
Someone has clearly been lazy in keeping up with this blog disciplines.

BAD, YURI!  I will try to update this more frequently as possible!
Okay, before I turn this blog into some schizophrenic, self-talking diary,
I'm going to discuss today's random guide!

Recently, there is a huge boom in people going nuts about "natural products."

You know, I always wondered about that. WHAT IS NATURALL???
Are they making their products out of natural product? Well, define natural for me.

All these people in corporations and advertisement are really tricky about their use in their terms.
I mean, even if they used petro oil or some chemicals in the detergent, they would call it "natural ingredient..."


There have been many studies finding that companies use highly toxic chemicals and ingredients to make soaps and detergents. They can possibly cause cancer and all these scary crazy stuff.


It is hard though, being used to be surrounded by all products possible - from cleaning the floor to bath tubs - to cut off yourself from them completely.


If you want to/ are even slightly interested in using "natural" product for mmm maybe cleaning?
You've got a perfect product for that.
You wanna know? You wanna know? .....

VINEGAR!! Yes, vinegar. You know, that sour liquid that your mom stores in the cupboard in kitchen?
Vinegar can deodorize, kill bacterias, and clean pretty much anything!
If you combine vinegar and baking soda....
ohhh... they turn into bad boys attacking all these grease on the pots and pans.

Here's some useful link for more info!

Well, yes, if you wipe your table or floor using vinegar, it WILL smell like vinegar.
I like that pungent smell personally, but if you don't.... mmm suck it up, if you wanna go truly natural!
The smell will go away in a few minutes anyways.

Now, if I come into your house unannounced, it better smell like vinegar!

1 comment:

  1. Vinegar WORKS!!
    Is my dad's favorite product for everything...from cleaning the kitchen floor or anything greasy to apple vingar to drink to clean the intestine and for the face, which suppose to make the skin softer.
    I can stand the smell of it but I must say that it works!
